When my family first started going to church at Northside, Maleah was a tiny little thing running around the pews with a stuffed animal in hand. It’s hard to believe that she is now graduating from high school! Maleah’s family had to move to Nashville at the end of my own senior year, and I have loved keeping up with them and their story on Facebook over the last several years.We reconnected in person at Audrey and Nic’s wedding back in December, where Maleah was a bridesmaid, and her mom quickly asked if I would consider taking her senior photos in the Spring. Of course, I was excited to!

During a whirlwind trip to Jackson, we planned to do her session downtown on a Saturday evening, but in true West Tennessee fashion, we were rained (I mean… monsooned) out! Luckily, the sun was in full shine-mode the next evening and I met Maleah at the church for a few shots before heading downtown. And it may surprise you, but this was probably the fastest senior session I’ve ever done! We had about 20 minutes of good sunlight left when we got to the park in downtown and it was very chilly and windy outside… but Maleah absolutely nailed the entire session and we had a blast! God gave us the prettiest golden light and sunset we could have wanted, and her sisters were so much fun in helping hold the reflector and cheer Maleah on in the process. I’m so glad we were able to play around with the cherry trees, too, while they were in full bloom!

Maleah, you are a beautiful young woman inside and out! I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for you at Trevecca! Congratulations, sweet girl.

Here are a few of my absolute favorites from Maleah’s senior session.

